The best thing about this meal is that it actually takes a very short time to prepare and cook though it doesn't appear like it. I added turmeric to the rice, it is always said, we eat food with 'the eyes first'. Turmeric adds a vibrant color to rice plus it has a lot of health benefits which we shall look at later.
The liver, cut in strips was pan-fried. All you have to do is add a little oil to the pan, any seasoning of your preference, your liver strips and cook till ready on both sides.
When just about to remove from the fire, I always add onions for added flavor. Adding them at this particular leaves them a little crunchy too. To check whether the liver is ready, use a knife to slice part of the liver to see the inside. Well cooked liver is pink on the inside. If you see any blood then it's not ready yet.
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