Tuesday, 16 October 2012


Funny how I would get mad anytime mum cooked githeri even when it was very nice githeri. It has turned out to be another of my favorites.
This one only consists of boiled beans and maize but there are other ingredients that can be added  to this like peas, french beans just to mention but a few. Those are recipes for another day.
If you have your reliable Mama Mboga, it is a super fast way of whipping out a meal on those days  you get home too tired to cook time consuming foods. This here takes less than fifteen minutes to prepare and cook.
Together with the veggies the only seasoning used in this was fresh garlic which was fried together with the onions.

Fry the onions, add the carrots and cover with the githeri for 3-5 minutes (I prefer my veggies nice and crunchy), stir, add the rest of the veggies except the coriander (dhania), put very little water just to ensure it doesn't burn and cover to cook for an extra 3-5 minutes. Remove from fire and add your dhania leaves. Serve.

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